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Planning Board Minutes 2011/06/02
June 2, 2011
PRESENT: ~Bruce Jennings; Donna Davis Larrow; Peter White; Daniel Schneider; Erin Andersen; Robert Stanley; Michael Marquise, Planner.
ABSENT:~ Emma Smith, Ex-Officio Member
ALSO PRESENT:  Clayton Platt; Carola Gouse; Bob Bell; Jeff Glover; Susan Rayno; Gary Summerton; Arthur Peterson
~Chairman Bruce Jennings called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM.
The following changes were proposed to the minutes of May 5, 2011.  Line 8 – “Nelson” should be “Melson” (this also pertains to Lines 133, 135, 141, 152, 155, 158, 162, and 173); Line 15 – “at that time” dumpster location was an issue; Line 16 – strike issue regarding parking; Line 32 – no state permits were required; Line 39 – business will (be) conducted; Line 46 – change from Zoning Board to SelectBoard; Line 55 – change to between building and the swimming pool; Line 77/78 – delete Mr. Kelley from sentence;~ Line 95 – “possibly water”, rather than statement as it exists; Line 177 – in perpetuity; Line 214 – “houses” should be changed to “housed”; Line 215 – Corvus not Corbus; Line 219 – delete “in business”; Line 246 – add that dumpster is noted on the revised plan. ~Motion by Peter White~to accept minutes as amended.  Seconded by Robert Stanley. ~Motion accepted unanimously.
Michael Marquise presented May 19, 2011 training meeting minutes for signature.
Michael Marquise presented information regarding this issue.~ This is considered a minor subdivision per 6.05B.~ All areas including waivers covered in connection with the application.~ Motion to accept as complete by Robert Stanley, subject to waivers.~ Seconded by Donna Davis Larrow.~ Motion accepted unanimously.~ Clayton Platt presented the issue.~ The area in question is located on a private road in rural zoning district.~ Originally a small house lot; increased over the years with purchase of neighboring land parcels.~ Propose that southerly lot be attached to neighboring lot with two houses to be served by State approved septic system.~ They would like to take a small parcel of .58 acres and attach this to the existing Bob Bell house lot (gray area on map), along with a southerly 23.82 acre lot (green area on map), and attach to a 170 acre neighboring lot with the end result of this annexation creating a 3.0 acre lot with a cottage on it.  The relatively new, existing leach field was designed in order to service both lots.  The 3.0 acre lot will be deeded to Bob Bell’s son.  The end result of the divided acreage will be 1.28 (Bell’s house lot); 3.0 acres (Bell’s son); 194 acres (remaining area).  An abutter, Carola Gouse expressed her concerns.  She originally purchased land from the Tallarico’s (Trow Hill Road #39) many years ago.  Interested in what will happen with proposed area in the future with property owned by Mr. Bell.  As per plans, the lot indicated in green will get slightly smaller and the lot indicated in gray will increase.~ Carola Gouse asked if there would be further plans to develop lot indicated in green.~ Peter White asked for clarification of the lot before the new proposal for annexation was submitted. ~ Carola Gouse expressed questions regarding lot changes.~ It is important to note that three acres are required per minimum zoning requirements.~ Bob Bell expressed that, in future, he would be annexing two other lots to his other children on the pond of 5 acres each.~ Daniel Schneider asked about Parcel B - .5 acres.  Bob Bell explained that driveway access was key to this (from Route 11) and expressed his interest in adding a garage at some point on Keyes Road in the future.~ Carola Gouse expressed concern with this in regard to Route 11 access and the electrical lines.  Daniel Schneider again asked about the reason for annexation.~ Per Clayton Platt, they did not want to pursue subdivision approval at this time.~ Bruce Jennings asked if any other abutters were present.~~ Carola Gouse expressed concern about further subdivisions.  Bruce Jennings stated that only the proposed issue could be covered at this time.  No further comments.~ ~~~~~
Motion made by Daniel Schneider to approve application as presented.~ Seconded by~Robert Stanley.~ Motion accepted unanimously.
Michael Marquise reviewed the application for completeness per Article 5/Subdivision D.~ He expressed that specific items should be open for discussion – lighting, signs and outside employees.~ Jeff Glover stated that none of the three items will be necessary.~ The summer care program will be conducted in August only of this year per Susan Rayno.~ Susan Rayno explained issues with utilizing her home as a rest stop in the AM and, perhaps, as an afternoon reading location. ~It may also be utilized as a “rainy day” location for crafts.~ ~Children are transported by Susan Rayno to and from Bradford Elementary School and Newbury Harbor.~ She is seeking licensure of her home as a formality.~ Previously, she received Zoning Board approval.~ Motion to accept  application for completeness by Daniel Schneider.~ Seconded by Bruce Jennings.~ Motion accepted unanimously. ~Hours of operation were discussed per Daniel Schneider’s request.  It was decided that the hours of 7:30 AM – 5:00 PM (five days per week) would be appropriate.  Michael Marquise asked regarding future years and increased months per year.~ There was a general group discussion regarding timing.~ It was determined that the months of June through September were acceptable as a request in order to cover all future possibilities.~ Donna Davis Larrow questioned whether there was an adequate septic system for the number of children in the program.~ No concern expressed by the applicant.~ Jeff Glover presented the specs for the septic system for the Board’s review.~ It is approved for three bedrooms at the present time.~ Susan Rayno said that she believes the State Health Officer would probably have to approve this issue.~~Michael Marquise stated that they are definitely not at full capacity as the home is approved for three bedroom/6 person use full-time.~ Hours of operation are very limited per Susan Rayno’s presentation of the program information.
Motion made by Robert Stanley to approve~application for summer school age day care program from June through September with the operating hours of 7:30 AM – 5:00 PM, Monday through Friday.  Seconded by Peter White.~ Motion accepted unanimously.
Gary Summerton presented his issue to the Board.  He would like to be able to install a sign at his home location to promote his photography business.~ Mr. Summerton already has a home office at the property.~ Hours of operation are 9:00 AM – 6:00 PM.  This is a non-retail/service oriented business with no traffic at the property.~ The living room is utilized occasionally for a studio.~ Mr. Summerton explained that the proposed sign would be 3 ft. x 2 ft. high  – with no lighting required.~ Michael Marquise discussed differences in classifications of home businesses. ~As this is classified as a home business, the placement of a sign would require the approval of the Planning Board.~ The board must determine whether this requires a Site Plan Review.~ If this is deemed as required, they would need a plan submitted by Mr. Summerton in order to illustrate parking, lighting and sign locations.~ Per Mr. Summerton, the sign would be for advertising/marketing use only.~ Daniel Schneider asked if abutters had been notified.  Per Michael Marquise, no abutters notified.  Daniel Schneider suggested that he felt it should go through a Site Plan Review.~ With any signs or any clients coming to the location, it creates another level of impact on neighbors and the area.~ Mr. Summerton again expressed to the Board that he is seeking placement of a sign exclusively.~ Peter White explained the need for a simple sketch showing locations.~ Bruce Jennings stated he did not feel a Site Plan Review was needed.~ Robert Stanley asked if an exception could be made to the rule.  Michael Marquise felt that neighbors/abutters should have the right to comment.~ Robert Stanley stated that the applicant should complete a Site Plan Review application so that abutters are notified.~ This issue will be reviewed again at the July 21st meeting.~ Mr. Summerton and the Board reviewed the listing of requirements for a Site Plan Review.~ It was noted that the property is classified as Village Commercial.~
Arthur Peterson presented an issue for Bill Sinatra of 11 North Shore Road.  As it was not on the agenda, the presenter was informed that it should be pursued further with Roger Landry.  Mr. Peterson explained that he had spoken with Roger Landry previously.  He explained that a wall is to be added to the existing property and granite steps installed.~ Wetland issues have been approved and submitted to Roger Landry.~ This is an alteration of terrain issue.~ The Planning Board had received no previous information regarding this issue and it was not listed on the agenda.  Michael Marquise stated that he will discuss this issue with Roger Landry.~ He also stated that they will be meeting again on June 16th and, at that time, will address this issue.~ Bruce Jennings stated that this needed to be posted on the agenda in order to be reviewed at the meeting. ~~
Michael Marquise presented mylars to be signed in connection with the Lynne Bell case.
Michael Marquise stated that there will be a second Planning Board meeting on June 16th in order to continue with training and to address the Sinatra case.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:24 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Diane Caron

Bruce Jennings, Chairman~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~ Peter White, Vice Chairman
Erin Anderson~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Daniel Schneider
Donna Davis Larrow~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~    Robert Stanley